Whole Family Wellbeing
About Whole Family Wellbeing
The Whole Family Wellbeing Programme sits within the structure of the Integrated Children’s Service Planning Board and ultimately to the HCPP Board. Lead by a Programme Manager and six Locality Co-ordinators, implementation of the programme aims to provide holistic whole family support, readily available across Highland to families that need it. With the National Principles of Holistic Whole Family Support (‘the National Principles’) embedded into the planning, commissioning and delivery of services provided to support children and families. These principles are integrated into the Children’s Services Plans (2023 -2026). The principles will be used to deliver high quality, preventive, holistic whole family support through their services for children and families.
Whole Family Wellbeing Aims
Our Aim is to tackle inequalities and improve the wellbeing of all family members, reducing the likelihood of families reaching a point of crisis or breakdown.
The Vision of the Whole Family Wellbeing Programme in Highland is to ensure that families can access the support they need, where they need it, and for as long as they need it.
Whole Family Wellbeing Funding 2024/2025
The approach, application/allocation process and governance of the Whole Family Wellbeing Fund to services who are providing Holistic Whole Family Wellbeing Support across Highland is outlined in further detail within the three downloadable documents available below. Through a locality focused evidence-based and needs-led approach, the Programme will deliver innovative change, in line with the model agreed by the Integrated Children’s Services Planning Board and the Highland Community Planning Partnership Board